Tuesday, November 17, 2009

This could change my life...

Okay, so maybe that's a little dramatic, but seriously.  I just switched from the old editor to the "Updated Editor" in the blogger settings and I think I really like it.  Not exactly what I should be messing around with right now, but it looks like it's going to make pictures easier to upload and move around, and THERE IS AN UNDO BUTTON! (it's the little things in life).  And it's pretty.  Because that's what really matters. The only thing I can't seem to find is the spell check, and that could definitely be an issue. Anyway, if you're a blogger, you might want to check it out!


Jen Lewis said...

It does not have one. I cannot spell to save my life. I refuse to use it until they add spell check, which they intend to do once they get it working.

Erin said...

I love the updated editor!! It can be a little screwy with spacing on pictures, but I can totally live with that.

Ummmm...I often copy and paste into Word to spell check. I'm such a hopeless nerd/grammar nazi.