This weekend my sister and I ventured out to Granbury to visit our grandparents. It had been way too long since I had been out there to visit them, and I'm so glad I finally set aside a weekend for it. It's always good to get out of Dallas, and good to spend time with family. I also love that since Rebekah is in Dallas I now have company for my drives out there! While I spent a lot of time studying, I also got in a nice, long run on Saturday morning and a trip into town to a cute little fabric store. I also got a ton of sleep, I probably haven't slept that much since I had my surgery. My grandparents live on the Brazos River and it is gorgeous. I took some pictures of the beautiful scenery. Most of them didn't turn out great - I'm still learning. But I did get a couple of good ones.
Their dog Boomer. He's getting old.
Just a heads up - I'm going to add to NaBloPoMo by also commenting on all of your postings. Sweet.
Love the pics of PapaDub and the view from the patio! Also love whatever it is you're going to make with goods acquired from the cute little fabric store AND love the relaxing weekend family time. Always needed.
You totally captured papadub in the picture on the porch! And Reb looks amazing!
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