Friday, December 08, 2006
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Christmas Parties A Plenty
I attempted to start my Christmas shopping on Monday when I had the day off, but needless to say, there were several things including me locking my keys in my car, that kept me from getting much done. Hopefully I can find another not too crowded day to attack the rest of my shopping!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Catching Up!

Michelle, Emily, Sarah, Nat, and Me

Me & Darby before the wedding
Thanksgiving with the Family
Our yearly attempt at a Christmas card picture. Aren't we cute? :)
Monday, October 23, 2006
I love the trees!

One of my girls ziplining.

Maddie & Maddie before ziplining

Wednesday, October 18, 2006
State Fair Fun

As for a job update - it's going well. I know I will be glad when I'm not so new and don't have to be told how to do everything, but I also know that I will get there. Thank goodness! I still absolutely love working with the people I do - it is such an encouraging work place. There are also things like staff prayer every Tuesday morning that make me feel like I'm not even at work.
This weekend I'm headed to Pine Cove with my 7th grade girls. It will be a great time, full of fun and hyperactive junior high kids! It's a jam packed weekend of activities, but it is such great time for small groups to bond. I love it! I will definitely put up pictures when I get back!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
First Week
The new job is going great. It's very different than what I did at PwC, but I think it's going to be really interesting once I get the hang of things a little more. Most of all, I love the atmosphere. The people I work with are great. It's so different to be here. Yesterday we had staff prayer - I felt more like I was at a bible study than at work. And even though I work on the business side of things, it's really neat to be in this atmosphere and just to be a part of a ministry that I love.
Anyway - you will get more updates as I settle in. Thank you for all your prayers in this process. I feel very blessed.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Launch Retreat
My possible favorite part of the weekend was just getting to be outside. East Texas is absolutely georgous with the trees and the weather cooled off just right. It was so nice to be out of the city and just enjoy the outdoors!

Bridget, Melissa, Katie, Sarah
Amanda, Lindsey, Me, Abby, Brooke

Me & LB

Wednesday, August 30, 2006
My New Job!
- working in an encouraging environment with other believers!
- wearing jeans, flips flops, and t-shirts to work.
- working less than 5 minutes from my apartment - no more traffic!
- already knowing so many people there, so much less awkwardness for the first day!
- so much more time to spend with friends, my 7th grade girls, and other people.
- and working a normal schedule!!!!!!!!
This weekend I'm headed to a young adults retreat at Pine Cove. I think it's going to be a great time to hang out with some single student ministries girls and make some great new friends.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
This weekend Melissa was in town from Houston and we got to go to the lake. It was great to get to hang out and spend time outside on the water :) This is all of us on the boat!

Thursday, August 10, 2006
Nothing too exciting...
God is teaching me so much lately about where I am and the people around me. I was talking to my mom last night about the crazy world I've been thrown into since I graduated from Baylor, and looking back, I don't think I'd trade it. As miserable as it is most days, there are some great relationships that have come out of this place and if God has allowed me to touch just one life while I've been here, then that is so worth all the hours, all the tears, and all the heartache.
My parents & my sister are coming on Saturday on their way through from College Station to Amarillo and I am super excited about getting to hang out with them. I love getting to have my family here.
Monday, July 31, 2006
Gutting houses...with junior high kids

Amanda & Madison - 2 of my small group girls

Tuesday, July 11, 2006
You are not a god dependent, on any mortal man.
You are not a god in need of, anything we can give.
By your plan, that's just the way it is.
You are God alone, from before time began,
You were on Your throne, You were God alone
And right now in the good times and bad,
You are on Your throne, You are God alone.
You're unchangeable, You're unshakeable,
You're unstopable, that's what You are.
You're the only God whose power none can contend.
You're the only God whose name and praise will never end.
You're the only God who's worthy of everything we can.
You are God, that's just the way it is.
I was standing in church a couple of weeks ago as we were singing the words to this song thinking about how amazing it is that our God is unchangeable. No matter how much craziness and change is going on in our little lives, God is there and He is constant. I am so humbled by that in this phase of life where everything seems to be so up in the air. I am so thankful that I worship a God who doesn't change and whose truth for my life remains the same through it all!
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Ode to Natalie

Friday, June 23, 2006
Getting in Shape

Last night I took it out for a test short test run, even though all my bike friends are out of town or studying, and it was so much fun. I haven't ridden a bike in so long, but I like it so much better than running! I think I might actually be able to work on getting myself some exercise....what a concept!
Thursday, June 15, 2006
What a Trip!

Monday morning was my favorite part of the whole trip. We woke up at 2 am and drove 2 hours to get to the top of the volcano to see the sunrise. It was really quite incredible. We drove up the mountain to 10,000 feet, and the clouds were down at 5,000 feet, so when the sun rose it was up from behind the clouds. The pictures don't do it justice. But here are a few to try. It was beautiful. It was terribly freezing up there, so we were all wrapped up in the hotel blankets.

Me & Sarah waiting out the cold before the sun came up

Friday, June 09, 2006
Off to Maui!!!!
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Personality Test
Monday, June 05, 2006
Summer Has Arrived!
Saturday was a day full of old friends. In the morning I went to the park and read for a long time, then LB and I walked around downtown a little bit and took pictures. My sister was in town for a wedding, so I got meet up with her and some friends for lunch. Then my friend Mel was in town and I got spend some good time with her that evening. We ate dinner and I got to meet one of her friends from Houston. And to finish up a wonderful day my Baylor friend Jessica Camp needed a place to spend the night, so she came & stayed the night & went to church with me Sunday morning. I am so super excited that she's moving to Frisco this summer so that I'll actually get to see her more often!
Sunday after church a group of us took LB's boat out and it was tons of fun. We spent the whole afternoon playing in the water and just hanging out. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the day!

Julia, my crazy roommate being the boat hand
Everyone on the boat (LB, me, Steph, Julia, Susan, & Sara)
LB & me
Friday, June 02, 2006
Fun Weekend
I came back Sunday night so that I could spend some of the weekend here in Dallas and not be rushed starting the week. Monday night I got to a fun concert in the park with Julia, LB, and a couple of their fun school friends. The Dallas symphony orchestra played, there were fireworks when it got dark, AND it was completely free. That's my kind of event! It reminded me of the things I would go to with my grandparents whenever I would come visit them in Fort Worth for the 4th of July. It was SO fun! Here's a couple of pictures.

Julia, Susan, LB, Me
I love Fireworks!
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
New place
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Oh the moving!
So, my new apartment has a pool view and there always seem to be a million people down there. And it's very different from my old apartment complex, because they aren't just laying out, they are actually playing in the pool. For example this weekend, there were tons of people playing volleyball in the pool. And there are even a few kids, which makes it even more fun! I think I'm going to like this new apartment complex. The people seem to be a lot more friendly - maybe that's because I've escaped downtown Dallas and SMU world. Here's a picture of our pool - I really wish you could see all the people!

Monday, May 15, 2006
After my test on Saturday, LB & I went to see Akeelah & the Bee, which, as nerdy as it sounds, I highly recommend. It was SUCH a cute movie. Maybe it's just because I was so tired or maybe it really was that cute, but I really liked it, and I think you should all go see it!
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Rangers game: I have been dying to go to a game since the season started. I mean, I know I'm not a huge baseball fan or anything, but I just love getting to be outside and eat a hotdog. Especially the games in the spring, cause you get the nice weather. So we happened upon free tickets & a parking pass this week. You just can't pass that up!
New apartment: After small group with my girls last night I decided I just had to go see the new couch that had been delivered to our apartment, like it wasn't going to be there after I took my test. So of course I thought maybe I could study over there since my roommate is out of town, but little studying took place.
The good news is I'll get to see my sister for a short while tonight. She's in town for a concert and staying at my apartment - yet another source of procrastination!!!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
The College Life and Pokey-O's
And a side note for all you Dallas people. Earlier this week, my dear friend Jessica introduced me to the joy that is Pokey O's. If you are a fan of cookies, or ice cream, I think you will like it. You go in and pick out of about 15 homeade cookies and then you pick your favorite Blue Bell icecream, and they make you an icecream sandwich. It's really fun, and I think you should all go! We took the interns after lunch today because Amy and I were still hungry because we split a burger :)
I'm feeling pretty tired and really ready to be done with studying. Only a little over a week more! So exciting!!!! :) Last night at Barnes & Noble I ran into some fun friends I haven't seen in a really long time, so I guess studying isn't all bad after all!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Monday, May 01, 2006
the stars at night...
I have a lot of studying to look forward to this week and some fun times with friends in between. I'm counting down the days till my test, then moving. I went over to see Julia when she was packing yesterday, and I got pretty jealous! She gets to move before me, and it made me want to go home and start packing my boxes!
I'll leave you with a couple of pictures of our handiwork from this weekend. Keep in mind this is the very unfinished product. I left LB to work for the rest of the week. I'm sure you'll be able to check her blog and see what the finished product looks like soon, but I was quite proud of what we did in a weekend.
Our badger - I'm sure he has a fishing pole in his hand by now :)
He's my favorite part!
LB in front of the mountain and bear cave.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Bipolar Job
I was thinking today that I wish I could go back to Nicaragua and play with kids. For those of you who don't know, I went in November with my parents church. Took off of work and got to do something so amazing and worthwhile. I was looking at my pictures today (this is what happens when I'm bored at work) So, I think you'll get a few of my favorites.

Now I just have to stick out studying and my job until I get to go on another trip like that!!!!
Friday, April 21, 2006
Michelle, me, Jessica
Julia, me, LB
My super exciting news for the week is that I get to go to Maui with my college roommate Sarah!!! She travels with her job, and wanted people to travel with her. I had a graduation trip from my parents that I hadn't used yet and they said I could use it it to go to Maui, so I'm going June 9th -14th!!!! I've never been before and I surely didn't think it would actually work out for me to go with her, but it did!
Monday, April 17, 2006
Sleeping Bags, Cafe Brazil & Stone Crab
The highlights of the weekend were, first of all, the quality time with family, I don't get enough of that. Thursday night before my family got here I got to have dinner with Stephanie, Katie, and LB. It was so much fun because I haven't seen Steph in so long even though we live in the same town because we are so busy. Also, Saturday morning, I went to study at Cafe Brazil and waited for my dad & Deborah to get done running. Then I got to have breakfast with them, Katie, LB before I took Katie to the airport. For dinner on Saturday night I got to pick where we ate for my birthday dinner, and so we went to Truluck's, one of my favorites!!!! I got to eat fabulous stone crab and carrot cake. And then Sunday night after everyone went home, there was Journey to the Cross with the junior high and high school students at church. It was really an amazing night with worship, drama, and communion. It was just a sweet reminder for me of the sacrifice that was made for me. I think I rushed through most of the weekend, so it was really good just to have some time to sit and think about what it's really about.
I feel like there's so much coming up in the next month or so. My birthday is this week, which really isn't that big of a deal, but is kind of fun. I have so much studying to do. CPA exam May 13th, and then moving the next week. I'm glad busy season is officially over today so that I have time to cram all that in!
Tuesday, April 11, 2006

This weekend I officially remembered how to study. It was amazing. I'm not sure what happened, but it's like someone lit a fire under me. Saturday I rode to Waco with LB & Katie and studied at Common Grounds (my absolute favorite place to study) all day. It was wonderful to get to see Katie for the ride down since I won't get to see her while she's in Waco, and then get to study there. And I got to have dinner with Mel, Lindsay, LB & Katie and it was so much fun!
Only a few more days till Easter & my family being here! I'm super excited!!! For now I'm off to Baylor for a baseball game recruiting event. I wish was more excited, I just feel like I'm being forced to go, and like I should be studying, but oh well.
Friday, April 07, 2006
Cadbury Mini Eggs & Fridays
I'm really looking forward to Easter weekend for a lot of reasons. First of all, my whole family is coming to Dallas for the weekend, which I could not be more excited about. The weekend falls right at the end of tax season, and it's easier for Rebekah to get here, so we decided to meet in Dallas! I feel like it's been forever since my whole family has been in the same place at the same time. I'm also looking forward to Easter because it will officially be the end of busy season and my life will calm down significantly. I can't wait. I think it will be really good time to spend with them at the end of a really crazy season of my life.
Easter always makes me think of the Cadbury Mini Eggs because my mom always had them around Easter time at our house. I have been looking everywhere for these eggs ever since it

I'm not so much looking forward to this weekend because I know I need to get some serious studying done, but I am very thankful that I'm not working and I have the time to do it!
Thursday, April 06, 2006
"producing happiness and well-being."I think that's a great word for today and very appropriate for my morning cup of coffee!
Last night I had small group with my 6th grade girls. They are so much fun and so full of energy. They are currently obsessed with American Idol. This is an obsession I can't really understand. I watched about 15 minutes of it last night after we were finished, and I just can't get into it! They think I'm crazy, but they think that a lot. I'm sure there are many adventure of junior high girl stories to follow, they are full of fun at this age! I thought I had a picture of them on my work computer, but apparently I don't, I'll work on that soon!
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
My First Blog
I guess a good place to start is an explanation of the incorrect grammer in the name of my blog. Because I am an accountant, when we go out to dinner with friends, of course, the job of figuring out the tip always seems to pass to me. One night I was out with LB and one of her school friends Reagan, and I was having a little trouble figuring it out. They were giving me a hard time, and asked...aren't you an accountant? You should be able to figure that out. And my frustrated reply was, "I AM ACCOUNTANT!" Ever since then, the phrase has kind of followed me around.

As for keeping you all updated on my life, busy season is finally on the downward slope, hallelujah!!! Other than that, I guess not very much. This last weekend, we went out to dinner and a concert for LB's birthday, here's a picture of our fun friends!
(Audra, Jenny, LB, Me, Julia my future roomie!)