Thursday, May 04, 2006

The College Life and Pokey-O's

Today a couple of us associates took our interns to lunch in honor of their last week at work. We were talking about the life that they are going to go back to when they go back to school, and honestly, it makes me quite jealous. I mean, I realize that they are going to have to study, but what is college studying, I mean really? There never was a better time than living with your best friends and just hanging out with all your favorite people all the time. So, for those of you still in my dear little sister...enjoy it. It is a wonderful time of life. Not to say life without homework isn't great, because it is, there's just nothing quite like college.

And a side note for all you Dallas people. Earlier this week, my dear friend Jessica introduced me to the joy that is Pokey O's. If you are a fan of cookies, or ice cream, I think you will like it. You go in and pick out of about 15 homeade cookies and then you pick your favorite Blue Bell icecream, and they make you an icecream sandwich. It's really fun, and I think you should all go! We took the interns after lunch today because Amy and I were still hungry because we split a burger :)

I'm feeling pretty tired and really ready to be done with studying. Only a little over a week more! So exciting!!!! :) Last night at Barnes & Noble I ran into some fun friends I haven't seen in a really long time, so I guess studying isn't all bad after all!

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