Tuesday, October 20, 2009


A couple of weekends ago, I headed out to Pine Cove camps for our annual Hideaway retreat with our high school students. I usually love this weekend away with my girls. And while this year proved to be a little more difficult to enjoy due to some emotional drama (theirs, not mine) and different circumstances, I think the girls had fun all the same. The speaker was incredible and spent the weekend walking the students through 2 Corinthians 5. I love when pastors/speakers walk you through a passage in the Bible - it's my favorite, so I thoroughly enjoyed that part of the weekend!

We started the weekend off with a giant spoons tournament and then some worship around the campfire. The flamingo football game from last year escalated into an all out tournament this year with everything from football, dodge ball, volleyball, knockout, and noodle hockey…all with the boys ankles tied together and the girls playing normally. It’s always entertaining. And Saturday there was a “disco” party. Dancing, yes, but not so much to disco music.


silly girls!

jumping girls!

mike's wonderful photography skills.

super fun swing = super fun faces

flamingo football shirt that maddie designed.

i love these girls.

um yeah. there are no words.

community group girls. katie, me, sarah, karla.

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