Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

So many things I could say about my dad today. For starters, he put up with a lot with three girls running around the house when we were young. He worked so hard to provide for us, but did it in a way where he was still home every night for dinner and had plenty of time for us. He showed me what it looks like for a man to love his wife the way Christ loves the church with the way he has loved my mom. In high school he taught me to play golf so that I could be on the golf team. He patiently spent hours with me at the empty field by our church with a pitching wedge and a bucket of golf balls. He taught me how to drive a standard - I know for a fact that I tested his patience during that! My dad has always loved the three of us so selflessly.

The way that he loves our family is not the only reason I respect my dad. The way that he has always followed after God and sought to use his gifts to teach others. He also has such a heart for people who haven't had the same opportunities that we have. When I was in college he & a friend started International Crisis Aid which has provided feeding programs for children in Ethiopia, helped rescue girls in sex trafficking and so much more.

Dad, I love you so much! Happy Father's Day!

1 comment:

Natrudy said...

yea I love this post!!! Yea for your Dad!