Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring has sprung!

I love Spring!  I love all the trees blooming and the flowers everywhere.  This weekend I spent time working on my yard, enjoying some of the random flowers that pop up in my flower beds, planting some in my pots in the backyard, and some herbs that I'm super excited about.

 Flower bed surprises.

 The peach tree (at least I think that's what it is) is blooming.

 Basil and cilantro!

 Hopefully I don't kill them!


Erin said...

Pretty pictures, friend! And I hope your thumb turns out to be green after all. =)

Natrudy said...

so beautiful!! You're too good with the camera Welchy. Excited about your new flowers and herbs.

Kristie said...

I heart your mad photography skills. :)