Thursday, March 05, 2009

Life at Home

After two and a half days in the hospital, I got to come home yesterday morning. My mom helped get me settled in. She cooked me some meals, did my laundry, and just helped me getting settled in. She went home last night, so today is my first day home alone. It's going fairly well. The getting around is a little interesting, but it is good. I'm so glad to be at home instead of in the hospital.

Turns out, the doctor didn't take any pictures whenever they took Wanda out, which is such a bummer. SO, we don't get to see it.

I'm banned from driving for a couple of weeks, so if you find yourself with free time, come visit me, I'm here, at my house for the long haul!

1 comment:

Julia said...

ok missy, what have you been doing with your down time? inquiring blog stalkers want to know!!

oh, and are you in for Vegas?