Monday, July 09, 2007

Great Expectations...Fulfilled!

The last week certainly lived up to my expectations! It was such a sweet time with my college roommates & with KXA friends at Jessica's wedding. It all came & went so fast. Now Natalie is back in Nashville, Stephanie is back in Little Rock, and I'm back to my everyday life here in Dallas. Well, I don't have any pictures because I forgot to take my camera to the lake house & the battery was dead at Jess's wedding, but don't worry, Sarah took a ton of pictures, I just haven't gotten them from her yet.

Tuesday Sarah & I both got off work early & headed for the lake. The drive down was uneventful, but fun....I love Sarah, I wish I saw her more considering she works across the street! When we arrived, it was just Nat & her parents there, so we got her to ourselves :) We played on their fancy kayaks (they have pedals) and hung out in the pool until her brothers showed up. Michelle & Charlie joined us later that night, just in time to shoot off part of the $200 worth of fireworks Nat's brothers bought.

Wednesday was a great day. We woke up and went on a run, then hung out inside and ate breakfast & played Guitar Hero while we waited out the rain. That afternoon we rode the jet ski's and the kayaks and Sarah & I went for an open water swim. There was also a fantastic guys vs. girls game of volleyball in the pool - we won't mention who won. That night we shot off more of the fireworks - the guys really put on quite a show. Really, the best part was just hanging out with my favorite friends! I wouldn't have traded that for the world.

The rest of the week I spent hanging out with Stephanie, having dinner with old exec KXA girls, and then Jess's wedding. It was really just a great week. I'll definitely post pictures when I have them.

IronGirl is in two weeks - most days I don't feel ready, but it will be fun anyways. If I can say anything about this triathlon thing, it's that I think I'm in the best shape I have EVER been in. I haven't had leg muscles like this since high school off season weight lifting four days a week. I think I might even like it if it weren't for the swimming :)

This weekend I'm headed to Possum Kingdom lake for a Student Ministries leader's retreat. It should be a ton of fun - I'm excited to spend time at the lake - I'm praying for sunshine!!

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